Unity Canvas Painting Ceremony

unity-canvas-painting-ceremonyA fun alternative to the traditional unity candle ceremony or sand ceremony, the Unity Canvas Painting Ceremony lets the couple celebrate their unity ceremony in an artistic way that truly represents themselves.

Unity Canvas Painting Ceremony 1

Every marriage starts out as a blank canvas and every day is a splash of color.

This blank canvas represents the day of the wedding, and a new beginning.

The paint colors signify the experiences that lie ahead; colors of joys and sorrows, blessings and heartache.

The colors represent BRIDE and GROOM’s milestones, their celebrations, tribulations, passions and dreams.

They are the moments that become the days that make-up the years.

There will be places on the canvas when the colors blend and mix, flowing together, creating a new color of experiences shared.

There will be places when the colors stay separate and stand out alone and independent… yet, still a compliment to the bold color by it’s side.

And there may be places of contrast.

Parts of the canvas that look dark or messy and not at all to the couples liking.

While another spot remains blank and bare.

However, when you step back and look at the canvas in its entirety, you will see that it clearly is “An Original Masterpiece” unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

Each color, contrast, shadow, blend as unique and beautiful as BRIDE and GROOM.

Unity Canvas Painting Ceremony 2

We will now participate in another symbolic act of love and unity.

BRIDE and GROOM, this blank canvas symbolizes the start of this new journey together, the new family that you are now forming and are dedicated to build together.

Your canvas represents the passion, love and tenderness at the core of this new family, and which will be the building block of your new life as one.

May you remember the commitment of love that lies at the foundation of your new life together.

Unity Canvas Painting Ceremony 3

On this special day as two become one, your faith and love and hope and joy will be yours forevermore.

What’s in your minds and hearts will be yours to share so at this time I ask you to paint together as one with the love in both of your hearts.

We will now participate in another symbolic act of love and unity.